Thursday, 14 February 2008

I'm Off.

Hey Everyone. Sorry I haven't blogged this week. It's been pretty crazy with all the papers I've been writing, required reading i'm trying to keep up with, and fun people that I'm meeting. I'm leaving for the airport to catch my flight to Italy in 5 hours. I'll be gone Friday through the next Saturday night. I'll get back just in time to go to the live album recording at Hillsong London on Sunday morning (the 24th). There will be a huge Italy blog when I get back (Rome, Florence, Venice, and more). Miss you all!


Thursday, 7 February 2008

Windsor Castle

Okay, I'm going to set the mood for this post first. Starting humming "My Country 'Tis of Thee". You might not have known that it's also the British national anthem "God Save the Queen". Well it is. Last week we went to Windsor Castle.

This is the queen's crest.

One entrance into Windsor Castle. I don't have a picture of the whole thing because it could only be taken from the air. Windsor Castle in ENORMOUS.

More of the outside.

And more.

This is one of the royal residences. I took this between the bars of a gate, so we couldn't go in and see it. But when we were standing at the gate, some important guys unlocked the gate and went in with a folder stamped with a royal crest. Wonder what it was...

This is one of the little cross shaped holes that are all over the castle. They were for archers to shoot through. It was very difficult to get arrows in from outside, but the holes were wide on the inside so the archers could have a large area to attack.

We got to see the changing of the guard here. It was way better than at Buckingham Palace because there weren't hundreds of people in the way.

More changing of the guard.

The band that marched in with the new guard.

The old guard marching out.

St. George's Cathedral

A stained glass window in the cathedral. I wasn't supposed to be taking pictures in there. Oops. But those are the two that I got before they scolded me.

Defending the castle from invaders. It took a while to learn how to aim the cannon, but I got it after a few shots.

The big lookout in the middle of the castle.

Umm, that's another building inside. I don't really remember what is was. Other people some pictures of me in front of the castle, but I haven't gotten them yet.

Oh yeah, for those of you who I didn't tell, the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) and the NFL struck up a deal this year. For the first time ever, the BBC broadcast the Super Bowl live on public television. It was AWESOME. Kick off was 3:15pm at home, making it 11:15pm here. The biggest disappointment was that they didn't show American commercials. Heck, they didn't show ANY commercials. They did added commentary during the commercial breaks :-(. But it was a lot of fun. The game went until about 3am here, so those of us who stayed up for it were definitely tired in class the next morning. But it was TOTALLY worth it to see the Patriots gets beat this season. Okay, better finish up my paper. It's due at midnight. Thanks for reading!

Monday, 4 February 2008

Westminster Abbey

I wrote this blog three weeks ago, but it never got posted. Oops! Because I wrote it so long ago and never did use pictures for it, one or two are repeats. Well here it is. Enjoy it.

Yesterday we toured Westminster Abbey after class. It is a gorgeous church with hundreds of elaborate memorials to kings, queens, saints, and all sorts of other people. But there is no photography inside, so I don't have any pictures of all the great stuff in there. I do, however have a some awesome pictures to share, anyway.

Across the street to get the full front of the abbey.

An inscription on the front wall.

I don't know why this picture won't rotate, but just tilt your head to the left. This is from the inner courtyard of the abbey.

The ceilings in the outdoor passageways. If you think these are cool, the ones inside are even better.

Again in the inner courtyard.

I'm doing some catch up on blogs now. I've gotten a little behind. I have two or three more to post soon. It was good to see everyone who was at the Superbowl party at my house on skype!