Wednesday 9 January 2008

British Museum

Last night, four of us went to the British museum to see the Enlightenment exhibit as a class assignment. I didn't exactly understand what we were supposed to get from the exhibit, but there was some really cool stuff in there.

This is Hercules

and his dad Zeus.
I forgot what it's called, but it's a pretty sweet little solar system diagram.
Don't touch the Rosetta stone! Noooooooooo! Oh, it's just a copy? Okay.
I really wanted to sit on it's lap, but I figured best case scenario they'd yell, but it would probably lead to me being arrested or something.

Ganymede wresting with the eagle of Zeus. I just thought it was cool.

This was a sweet little pottery statue in the next exhibit.

Monica, Marika, and Elise (left to right) in front of the Easter Island statue.

A gorgeous picture from the steps of the British Museum

Contemplating something on the steps of the British Museum

The museum posse hanging out at "The Ultimate Burger" for dinner

My food

Not the best burger I've ever had in my life, but it sure beats the sandwiches I've been making. We toured Westminster Abbey today. I got some great pictures of some sights in the area, but you can't take pictures inside the Abbey. I'll post them another day. Enjoy!


Brooke said...

Cool museum! You gotta go to the Museum of Natural History, and the Science Museum too. They're right next to each other, and both awesome! Man, I am SO jealous...I wish I could be in London right now!

Cheryl Belden said...

Good idea to avoid getting arrested while out of the country. But I'll bet you'll be ready for a Fosters burger when you get back!

Sarah Ann Marie Mendez said...

dude u shouldve got arrested....that wouldve been a great story! i like that lil statue of the guy! surprise surprise tho....u are hanging out with much love josh friend!