Wednesday 2 April 2008

Scotland II

Hey, so I uploaded more pictures today. Here they are!

This is the group near the top of the mountain.

The group again at the pub we ate dinner at. Few places actually have bottles of ketchup (in Scotland and England), so we had a plate FULL of used ketchup packets. Great fish and chips.

Bethany was happy about our Scottish breakfast the next morning (at the same pub). We had blood budding. It might have been good if I hadn't known what it was. It wasn't bad, though.

And of course there are random people playing the bagpipes on the street.

It's a pretty bright picture, but that's me in front of Edinburgh Castle.

Scotland was a blast. It was cold, beautiful and everyone was really nice. I'd love to go back and see more of it.

I told you about the Freeze mission that I was involved in. Here's the link for that video. Look for me just after the two minute mark.


I also participated in a Slow Motion Mission in Herrod's Department Store. It's a HUGE store with more security than I've ever seen. We did the mission in one of the more open sections: women's shoes. Here's that link:


Both of these were a lot of fun and I'm so glad I got to participate in them. It would be quite a bit harder to do something like this in Fresno.

Last night we went to see some of the sights at night. But before that, we went to Cheers.
It was a pretty cool little place.

Okay, I've got some work to do.

Countdown until home: 10 days.

Tuesday 1 April 2008


Hey, so sorry it's been a long time again everyone. Definite mixture of busyness and laziness. Sorry. But here's some pictures from my Scotland trip I went on a few weeks ago.

This is the view from my hostel. Edinburgh Castle is pretty sweet.

Walkin' down the street.

A little pond. In the back ground is a mountain that we climbed. We went up to the right, which is off the picture.

Scottish Parliament. Pretty weird looking, but kinda cool.

Who need a path up the mountain? Straight up!

Hmm, I thought I had more uploaded on photobucket already. But I don't. Bummer.

Today was a GREAT day. My roommate and I both missed our alarms, so we didn't make it to class. It wasn't a big deal today and it was the first class I've missed, so it wasn't to bad. Then I made some lunch and did a little work. After that I went down to the pub on the corner and played darts for 2 hours. That was pretty great. Intense competition. Haven't played in weeks.

The next part was the best though. You may have heard about Improv Everywhere's ( Grand Central Station Freeze. They got a couple hundred people to Grand Central in New York and froze in place for five minutes. It's all over YouTube right now. Well many other freezes have happened after that one. Today, April Fool's Day, there was a World Wide Freeze. It happened in San Francisco at 9am, New York at noon, London at 5pm, Italy at 6pm...more than 20 places froze at the exact same moment. At Paddington train station, ten of us from the London group went to participate (including a teacher). I'll post some pictures of it and the link to the videos when they go up.

My flight leaves London on April 12, so there are 11 days until I come home (late at night, so I'll see you all on the 13th). On Sunday the 13th, I'll be going out to eat Mexican food (because I miss it). Don't know where or really care, as long as it's good. Anyone who wants to come is welcome. See you guys soon!