Thursday 10 January 2008


It had been fairly uneventful day. I had history class in the morning (every Tuesday and Thursday is only history classes). Then, made some mac and cheese for lunch. I tried to get people to go out and do something, but all we did was hit up an ATM, which was fun because it was a nice walk in the rain.

I hung out in the second floor flat all afternoon. Wrote some emails, facebooked, nothing exciting, but we had fun. For dinner, Brian fried up some burgers, that was really good. The BBQ sauce I brought made it that much better, too. Around 8:00 I figured I would just call it a night; head down to my flat and do some reading before bed. I figured wrong.

The girls from floor 3 came knocking wanting to head out to a pub. We went to the Robert Browning, a 3 minute walk from our flats. Grabbing a cider, we sat down and noticed the new dart board. We had played about 2 minutes before we had some older, portly gentlemen start giving us tips. After all three of us had played, I played Jon, an ex-dart player. It took a bit of luck, but I beat him. Paul bought us another round and he and Jon played a few games. It was quite a fun night playing darts and hanging out. It's my new favorite pub and I plan on spending a few more slow nights over there working on my aim. I meant to take my camera, but I forgot it, so I'll get some pictures of the place later.

We're touring Tower of London in the morning. Good night!


Unknown said...

I miss you!

Figures you would bring BBQ sauce with you.

I'll eventually send you something via the post.

(and this is Meg, one of your favorite people ever, but for some reason this calls me Megan. Psh. What kind of a name is that.)

Sarah Ann Marie Mendez said...

ahh pubs! i heart pubs!

Unknown said...

Josh: Question: How did you come up with "of Clifton" in your add?
My Dad's middle name was Clifton; your great-grandfather's name was; Lorance Clifton Trogdon - good English name. Did you know that or coincidence? Grandma Joann

Mathew Gomes said...

Where are your flats? When I did London Semester, we lived up in St John's Wood, but I believe the building we stayed in has since been demolished (it is about a block from the tube stop back toward Baker Street, down the street from Tesco, between a hospital and a BP — and a short walk from Abbey Road).

In any case, our favorite pub was a place about a mile north called Swiss Cottage. If you're ever wanting to visit there — and I recommend you do — just take the Jubilee line up to the aptly-named "Swiss Cottage" station. I've heard the place has become considerably more commercial than when we were frequenters, but if you take a ride out there on, say, a Monday night, it shouldn't be too bad.