Sunday 6 January 2008

I Made It To London!

A 3 hour car ride to San Francisco, a sleepless night full of anticipation, a long check-in wait at the San Fran airport, and finally it was time for the 10 hour plane ride to Heathrow Airport in London, England. The flight left just after noon and arrived in London at 7am. I didn't sleep at all on the plane, so it was a LONG day.

The last few days have been filled with getting settled into my flat, wandering around the neighborhood, and getting ready for school to start tomorrow morning.

Today we went on a bus tour of London. Afterward I learned that my new, amazing, small, fast camera has a mean streak and uploads pictures poorly onto the computer. I figured out another way to do it, but this batch of pictures is permanently shrunk. Here's some of the best ones:

This is me in front of most of Westminst
er Abbey

St. Paul's Cathedral

The Tower Bridge

Big Ben

The London Eye. Notice Big Ben in the background.

The Prince Albert Memorial

Our tour guide held up a hand puppet monkey named Prince Charles to lead us around during the changing of the guard. Didn't get any good ones of the changing of the guard, but this was worth posting.

It has been a slow few days, but also very busy and tiring at the same time. I should get some sleep. School will come early in the morning. The instructor is picking us up at the flat to show us how to get to class for the first time. More pictures and stories to come!

Good night!


Karl said...

This is going to be one awesome semester for you. The pictures are cool.

Sarah Ann Marie Mendez said...

josh josh!!! im so excited for u to be in london!! ill read ur blog all the time! i have a blog too! so check it out if u want!

♥ leahy

Unknown said...

yay for london, im glad u r having fun

Rika said...

hooray! Glad you made it there safe and are having fun so far

Cheryl Belden said...

I'm so glad you started a blog. I'm excited to see your pictures and hear about what you are doing!

Unknown said...

This Blog is a great idea, so much fun to see you in London. Will watch for more pictures of you and comments of what you are doing and seeing. Grandma Joann

fatquiver said...

You're right. The monkey was definitely worth the post.