Wednesday 30 January 2008

Transport Museum

Last Thursday we went to the London Transport Museum for our history class. It was all about the evolution of transportation from horses and carriages all the way to the modern day Tube (subway) and double decker buses. It was pretty interesting and there were some fun things to do.

You know me. Always helpful.

He said something offensive to one of the girls, so I had no choice but poke his eyes out.

Hanging out in a train car with Marika and Elise.

I totally would have been a train conductor back then. Dashing, huh?

Or a bus driver. I look pretty good, but I like the train better. Okay, so the uniforms were for kids to try on. They were pretty tight. Gotta make it fun!

It was a good life.

A couple versions of the double decker bus.

Gasp! I'm alive! And don't I look good in a scarf? Yeah, I know.

I have pictures on my camera that I still need to get off. More soon! I did this post during out discussion of the play we saw, Women of Troy. Don't bother. It was bad. Okay, back to class!


fatquiver said...

You're such a Brit with that beard.

Anonymous said...

Always the kid who likes to dress up.
We'll add the picture of the train engineer to the others of you as a cowboy, a fireman, Peter Pan, Dennis the Menace, a Jedi, Robin, etc. I loved it!

Sarah Ann Marie Mendez said...

u look good in a beard as well! haha ur mom's comment is cute :)

Unknown said...

Always defending a woman's honor.

Anonymous said... totally look like a member of the Village People. Just thought you should know. Miss you Big Bro!
